Freezed — A powerful way to generate data classes in Flutter

Dev with Ahmad
7 min readJul 22, 2023

Creating data classes in flutter sometimes requires you to do multiple of repetitive boring steps. However, using packages like Freezed will change this for you completely 🙌

Freezed is a code-generation package that helps you to generate data classes in Dart easily with only adding annotations to your classes. It prevents you from writing hundreds of error-prone lines again and again.

Sometimes you just want a class that holds some data and nothing else. Freezed makes it easy to create such classes with minimal boilerplate and maximum flexibility.

In this article, I will show you how to use Freezed package in Flutter and how to handle different scenarios with it 🧐

What is a data class?

To begin, we need to define what is a data class to fully understand the need of this package.

A data class is a class that only contains data and no logic. It is usually used to represent the state of an object or a response from an API. A data class should have the following properties:

  • It should be immutable, meaning that once created, it cannot be modified.
  • It should have a constructor that takes all the fields as parameters.

